Quail eggs over easy - and then I rinsed the shells out and put some seasoning/condiments in them for presentation so that people can pick what they want on their eggs. I was thinking this would be cool even with regular chicken eggs - and might be a way to entice the kids into eating more eggs.
Why make Almond Butter when you can buy it in the store? Well...do you like to pay nearly $5 for a jar of almond butter that costs you about $1.60 to make yourself (we get a 48oz bag of almonds from Sam's Club for $10.40 - Don't have a Sam's, check online!)? If so, please go ahead to your store! I won't stop you! But, if you are like me and enjoy saving money, and you want something without added salt and preservatives, then why not make it at home? It's so simple you could do it on a work night!
Why are we even making Almond Butter? Aside from the obvious health benefits attributed to the Almond (see links at bottom for more on that), my daughter had an allergy test last year and the ones that "pinged" were Eggs, Almonds and Cow Dander. Cow Dander was the worst reactor (I know, strange!) but with the dangers of peanut allergies, even mild ones, turning into something much more serious has convinced us (with the help of this weekends rash and swelling after peanuts) that we need to cut as much peanut out of our lives as possible. Little Girl, LOVES her peanut butter however, so we decided to try out Almond Butter!:) Ingredients: 2 cups Whole Almonds (do not get chopped, slivered etc. they may be rancid)Almond, Coconut, or Olive OilHoney, Splenda, Torani etc. (optional)A food processor Directions: *Place almonds on a cookie sheet and roast in a 400 degree oven for 8-10 minutes. *Nuke a half cup of chosen oil in microwave till about 110 degrees...this doesn't take long *Place almonds directly into processor still warm. Pulse until they have the texture of a moist flour. *Turn on low, add VERY SLOWLY some of the oil and let it mix in. If it looks like butter then stop. If still to dry, add a little more .It's not an exact science, just add a little and watch. *Once it looks like butter, then you can add sweetener, whether that is honey, splenda, agave etc.Store in a tightly shut jar on the shelf for UP TO 30 days, or in the fridge for up to 3mths. Just remember this is a natural butter, no preservatives. It's normal to see some seperation of oil from nut after it has been sitting, simply stir and use as normal!:) **Almonds have a lot of oils in them and can go rancid, the times of storage are variable as to your home temps etc. ***You can also add other flavorings into your butter, we like Cinnamon. ****A friend of mine, whose grandson has a terrible peanut allergy has found out that Chick-Fil-A uses Peanut Oil, but it's denatured and SAFE for those with nut allergies! Links to Health Benefits of Almonds: http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/seed-and-nut/health-benefits-of-almonds.html |